Mookie SpitzGrit Gets Us Off the GroundThe stars will be ours only if we get our hands dirtyAug 27Aug 27
Mookie SpitzWhy ChatGPT Will Never Create Artificial Generalized IntelligenceLLMs alone, by their nature, won’t lead to AGIJun 6Jun 6
Mookie SpitzTaking a Break from Blogging to Finish Our Second NovelAt the home stretch and totally immersed in our new narrativeMay 7May 7
Mookie SpitzMore Sound Than FuryThe Iranian drone attack today was all show — the Israeli re-retaliation will be for realApr 142Apr 142
Mookie SpitzHitchhiker’s Guide to the GangliaWe’ve come such a long way that many forget where we’ve beenApr 13Apr 13
Mookie Spitz04/12/24: Friday Weekly RoundupSummary and links to my Medium posts this weekApr 12Apr 12
Mookie SpitzThe End of a WorldTop-down authority must succumb to grassroots policy as nations evolveApr 12Apr 12
Mookie SpitzA Jew & A Muslim Finally Solve Israel-PalestineConsider their four-step plan for peace in the Middle EastApr 114Apr 114