The Sapphire Cup
An alarming and alluring riddle
Another poem from my friend Erika, this one with a brief introduction by the author…
Years ago at work I was going up to our suite in the elevator after lunch. When the elevator reached the 25th floor, right before the doors opened I got real shaky and received a message — “sapphire cup.”
The poem started writing itself, super fast. So much so I kept repeating the words until I hurried into my office to write the first words down before they faded away. And then, boom. Out came the rest.
The ending of most of my poems and stories sometimes come to me this way. Last words come first. So I have no idea where things are going until I finish. Hope you enjoy the poem.
Have a lovely day.
The Sapphire Cup
I Am the first responder at the scene of the crime
Get ready
Because here’s my rhyme —
I Am the secret spy
The all-knowing eyes
I hear your calls, I hear your crying
Stop all your fibs — the lying
Pay attention
Start trying
This is an inside job
I don’t need Scotland Yard
I plant the seeds —
Humanity reaps what it sows-
I Am the bounty hunter
The gatherer
Here’s a tip —
I Am also the destroyer
I Am into all your games
Have some humility
Rife with greed —
you need me
I intercede
I interfere
You mock me and accuse me
As if I don’t really care
I Am the water, every drink
Every thought you ever think
I Am the contained
I Am the container
I Am the freedom
I Am the restrainer
I Am the randomness random of man
What you get —
I give
And what you give —
I get
My gifts are not only for the privileged
Hustlers, thieves, and hookers, are my favorites
You are all my infinite opportunity’s
Open your eyes
I Am all around you
Take a good look at me
I also stand for
Life, liberty and death
I Am the all-seeing eyes
My existence, a consistent disguise
You can run fast —
you’ll never catch me,
but I’ll catch you
I Am the thought provoking cup of tea
The alcohol that brings you to your knees
You are the wheel chair
I Am the crutch
All I ask is that you lean on me
I Am both the bucket and the water
I Am the eternal holder
You cannot get rid of me
I Am the everlasting EMT
The red fire engine blaring —
The band aids placed on your children’s knees
I Am the antidote to the poison running through your mind —
your veins
I Am the purpose with and without a purpose
I Am responsible for waking everybody up —
Don’t dread the night
I Am the undying mystery
I Am the caller in the middle of the night
or early morning hours
I consistently say yes or no
If I find you —
then you sought me
Ultimately you’ll begin to harvest —
your own internal knowing
I Am the interior designer
The white
The glow
The light
My gifts to you —
birth, experience and death
I Am —
The Sapphire Cup
More or Erika’s poetry…