The End of the Internet: AI is Here & Already Completely Transformative

Don’t believe the anti-hype or get distracted by fear mongers and clickbait luddites, the revolution is changing everything

Mookie Spitz
4 min readFeb 16, 2023


For every action, expect an equal and opposite reaction. Newton’s third law analogously applies to the recent frenzy around all things ChatGPT and AI, as a tsuanami of news stories now swirl about its failings. But don’t get distracted by the nonsense: since OpenAI’s chatbot launched in November of last year everything has changed, and we’re experiencing just the start:

Websites will become obsolete (and then everything else)

The foundation of the Internet and our utilization of it has centered around hypertext markup language pages discoverable through uniform resource locators — in other words, a “website”. Thanks to ChatGPT and their rapidly multiplying and forever evolving ilk, these digital landing pages will cease to exist. In their stead will be chunks of content fed right into AI databases.

You read that correctly, no more websites. That’s because they no longer serve any purpose, essentially getting in the way of questions people ask, and AI-generated answers. Search engines work by connecting keyword strings to web pages, the user on…



Mookie Spitz

Author and communications strategist. His latest book SUPER SANTA is available on Amazon, with a sci fi adventure set for Valentine's Day 2024.