Rashida Tlaib & Democrat Harakiri
If you think Matt Gaetz is bad for the GOP, you ain’t seen nothing yet in Michigan…

Regardless what you think of today’s GOP, they understand the power of simple, consistent, and repetitive messaging — and most importantly, the absolute necessity of uniting behind their leader.
And regardless what they think of Donald Trump, they’ve done so and continue to do so despite internal discord they’ve keep hidden. The reason: a fragmented party is a weakened party that loses.
In stark constrast, check out Rashida Tlaib’s video trashing the Biden administration and its pro-Israeli policy. The messaging goes so far as to say “Ceasefire… Or don’t count on us in 2024.”
Last I checked, Tlaib is a Democrat. If memory serves, Joe Biden is the de facto candidate for President. And here we have a Democrat in Congress effectively campaigning against her own candidate.
As a Palestinian, she obviously has her own strong opinion about current events. And as she points out, these opinions are shared by millions of Americans, many of them her fellow Democrats.
While the irony of liberals ostensibly supporting authoritarian, misogynist, homophobic Hamas is perverse, a Democrat essentially supporting Trump against Biden is taking it to a whole new level.
Presumably she’s trying to coerce Biden to change his stance, and Congress its funding, by threatening to shift votes in the coming election. But maybe a few facts might be useful reminders…
Trump got even cozier to the Saudis, and marshalled the Abraham Accords that negotiated peace between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain. He also moved the Israeli capital to Jerusalem.
Throughout all this, the Palestianians were completely ignored. Experts agree that the timing of the October 7th attacks had much to do with disrupting the Saudi-Israeli security deal.
For all these reasons, and countless more, this video and the rationale behind it accomplish little except further fragment the Democrats, and further help Trump get another term as #47.
History is rife with disadvantaged humans who actively go against their own best interests. Nixon’s Southern Strategy convinced poor whites to vote Republican, and it worked; now Tlaib is lobbying for the GOP.
The prospect of a Trump second term is menacing for the future of American democracy — and demonstrably worse for the Palestinians. Leftists are outdoing themselves with irony.
I can’t stop watching this video and conclude that we’ve gone completely insane politically. Between the Matt Gaetz’s and Rashida Tlaib’s of Congress, all nuance has been lost:

Really? Last I checked the expression “From the river to the sea…” means that Israel should be annihilated. Since Gaza is run by a theocratic mafia, how is Tlaib any different from them?
And using the term “genocide” in this context? Israel recklessly killing Palestinian civilians while trying to destroy Hamas is one thing, but systematically exterminating an entire people is another.
Take a look for yourself, and be astonished…